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A closer look into the creative process and execution of a selected project.

1. Discuss

2. Explore

3. Experience

1. Case study

Tangoe needed certain skills to be maintained in-house and the need for a Creative Director with the ability to not only guide, but execute, was one of them. When it comes to events I have expertise spanning several industries, the entertainment industry being one of them.

2. Result

When it comes to events, whether in-person or virtual, my belief is that it is necessary to create an “experience” at every single stage of customer interaction. I don’t look as “experiential design” as its own sector, the “experiential” should be present in all events. Utilizing my experience specifically from the music industry proved to be incredibly beneficial for the company. Along with ushering in a new era of creative for the industry the creative experience for the team has proven to have ripple effects still.

3. Experience

The creative displayed here has been created by me, spanning several recent events, specifically for Tangoe. While building concepts alongside my team, I like to educate and learn from my team to along the way, always. I love rolling up my sleeves and creating alongside a team, or by myself if necessary.

Project Details

Client: Bacardi

Medium: Print + Digital

Online: www.tangoe.com

When I joined Tangoe, they were in what some might call a “state”. No creative direction, a lot of turnover, a new-new mission statement was being shaped and reshaped weekly, and in the midst of all of that and more, I was tasked with visually guiding Tangoe to stable waters and shape their visual identity across all mediums.
With so much in flux it was a challenge, but one I enjoyed greatly. Tangoe didn’t even have the ability to produce any form of video or motion design without hiring a 3rd party. So it was really enjoyable bringing my expertise in-house and not only educating my team, but testing new creative solutions to see how they are received, along the way.

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