
Social Media Examples

from pencil to social.
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A closer look into the creative process and execution of a selected project.

1. Discuss

2. Build

3. Socialize

1. Case study

Tangoe was approaching a state of emergency when I joined the team. The plan was to move fast, and develop along the way. Creating a brand guide as we went. Tangoe also didn’t have the ability to create motion design in any form so that was crucial to integrate as well into the gameplay as well.

2. Result

The response to the new era of creative for Tangoe’s social media both externally and internally has increased exponentially. Tangoe has hit milestones never seen before, since the creative plan I developed for the creative team was initiated and implemented.

3. Experience

Allowing creatives to explore, trials and more importantly, errors, is one of the elements I bring to my creative expertise as a Creative Director. While building concepts alongside my team, I like to educate and learn from my team to along the way to ultimately land on solutions that neither parties thought possible and create a nexus that can almost live on it’s own once believed in. Tangoe’s social media continues to thrive through this and other creative principals.

Project Details

Client: Bacardi

Medium: Print + Digital

Online: VARIOUS + Ask to See More

When I joined Tangoe, they were in what some might call a “state”. No creative direction, a lot of turnover, a new-new mission statement was being shaped and reshaped weekly, and in the midst of all of that and more, I was tasked with visually guiding Tangoe to stable waters and shape their visual identity across all mediums. With so much in flux it was a challenge, but one I enjoyed greatly.
Tangoe didn’t even have the ability to produce any form of video or motion design without hiring a 3rd party. So it was really enjoyable bringing my expertise in-house and not only educating my team, but testing new creative solutions to see how they are received, along the way. A tier of Tangoe’s creative that I am very proud of, that Kelly Rinaldi has taken the reigns of now and continues to evolve with my oversight.

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